[:it]Il monopiede XPRO in alluminio, 4 sezioni, con testa video, è un monopiede video professionale creato per soddisfare le esigenze dei videografi che vogliono sfruttare al meglio l’altezza del loro monopiede per eseguire riprese al di sopra di una folla e per ottenere nuove angolature di ripresa.[:en]The XPRO aluminum monopod, 4 sections, with video head, is a professional video monopod created to meet the needs of videographers who want to make the most of the height of their monopod to shoot over a crowd and to get new angles of recovery.[:ru]The XPRO aluminum monopod, 4 sections, with video head, is a professional video monopod created to meet the needs of videographers who want to make the most of the height of their monopod to shoot over a crowd and to get new angles of recovery.[:]