Incontra Assicurazioni – Commercial

Incontra Assicurazioni – Commercial

Service Portfolio  Incontra Assicurazioni – Commercial  Work type  Event type For this corporate content series MediaMaking provided the audio, video lighting service of the shoot, cast and production assistance. Working closely with the creative departments,...
Credite Agricole – Webinar

Credite Agricole – Webinar

Service Portfolio  Credite Agricole – Webinar  Work type  Event type For the Credite Agricole Webinar, in addition to the audio video and lighting service, MediaMaking created the live stream on a dedicated platform an ad hoc player with branded layout. The...
Champions League 2023 Final Press Conference

Champions League 2023 Final Press Conference

Service Portfolio  Champions League 2023 Final Press Conference  Work type  Event type MediaMaking took care of the video shooting and signal flow management for Inter TV, as well as additionally followed the service for the press conference of the Champions League...
San Marino Mall

San Marino Mall

Service Portfolio  San Marino Mall  Work type  Event type For this Italian-British production, MediaMaking was in charge of pre-production, production and overall coordination with the creative agency. The production plan and logistics, as well as the choice of...
MJh Studios – Medical Conference

MJh Studios – Medical Conference

Service Portfolio  MJh Studios – Medical Conference  Work type  Event type For this project, MediaMaking provided its Green Screen studio, with lights on motorized trusses and set up with ad hoc conference table. The crew consisting of 4 operators, sound...